How to Create a File of Your Employee List

You should be able to obtain an employee roster from your payroll system. Please format the file into an Excel or CSV. If your payroll company does not provide this type of report, you will need to create one by filling out this template. You can also find the template in the portal during onboarding on the "Add Employees" page.

Your employee list should contain the following columns of employee information:

  1. SSN* - Social security number of each employee
  2. First Name* - First name of the employee
  3. Middle name - Middle name or initial of the employee (optional)
  4. Last Name* - Last name of the employee
  5. Birthdate* - Birthdate of the employee
  6. Physical Address  1* - Street address of the employee. It cannot be a P.O. Box
  7. Physical Address  2 - Additional street address information of the employee 
  8. Physical City* - City of the employee
  9. Physical State* - State of the employee
  10. Physical Zip Code* - Postal code for the employee
  11. Primary Phone - Phone number of employee. It should be ten digits.
  12. Email - Email address of the employee (optional, but if available, please include)
  13. Mailing Address Line 1 - Include if the mailing address for the employee is different from their physical address. You can leave this blank if the mailing address is the same as the physical address.
  14. Mailing Address - Additional mailing address information of the employee
  15. Mailing City
  16. Mailing State
  17. Mailing Zip Code
  18. External Payroll ID - Include if the company has a unique identifier for employees aside from their SSN. This is an optional field.

Formatting Tips

  1. Fields marked with an * are required.
  2. First, middle, and last names must be in separate columns.
  3. Social Security Numbers - The tool will accept the number with or without dashes.
  4. Numbers - The tool will accept commas and $, so there is no need to remove them.
  5. Dates - The tool accepts dates in almost any format, such as mm/dd/yyyy, m/d/yyyy, or m/d/yy.
  6. Phone Numbers - The tool will accept values with or without parentheses and dashes.
  7. Be sure your file has leading zeros for fields like SSN and Zip Code
  8. Don't include any commas within a cell in the CSV. If a comma is required, put the text inside parentheses (ie. "100 Main Street, #5").