User Registration

Register My Business

If your company is registering for Delaware EARNS, creating a unique user ID and password is the first step.

What pieces of information do I need to register as an administrator for my company’s retirement portal?

To start registering for your retirement portal, you will need:

  • The EIN of the company (the EIN is your business' IRS-issued Tax ID Number),
  • The access code provided in the invitation to register and
  • A valid email address

Where do I register for my company’s retirement portal?

As an eligible employer, you can register in two different ways:

  • Access Code: Register through the Delaware EARNS public-facing registration page using an access code.
    • Note: Typically, the first administrator to register their account will do so using an access code.
  • Email Invitation: Register through an email invitation. 

Company Verification 

There are multiple ways to get to the registration page:

  1. By navigating to and selecting Register Your Business

  2. By clicking the New account? Start Here button on the home page of

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How do I start the registration process?

Enter your business EIN and Access Code at the "Employer Verification" screen, then hit Begin.


If the correct access code is entered with an incorrect EIN 3 times during verification, the registration will be locked out after the 3rd attempt.

If you don't know your business's EIN, please get in touch with someone in your company who is responsible for financial matters.

Note: If you don't know your access code, your invite has expired, or your combination of EIN and Access Code does not allow you to proceed to the next step, please contact or (855) 934-3701 for assistance.

To learn more about registration errors, review our support article.

Once you've entered your company's accurate EIN and Access Code combination, you will proceed to the next step. 

Program Election 

Next, you will be prompted to confirm whether you want to register your business or certify your exemption. Below is a break out of what you would see in each case:

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Register My Business

1. Email Setup 

When registering for your program, the first step is to enter the email address you will use to log in.


Once you have entered your email address, you will be taken to the "Account Setup" screen.

2. Account Setup 

In this step, your login is verified to confirm if an email address already exists in our system or not. If the email account already exists in our systems, you can either "Connect Accounts" or "Create Account."


  • Connect Accounts

If your login email is associated with an existing account, you will be prompted with a message to log into the existing account in order to complete your registration. Simply enter the account password and select Connect Accounts.


Once registered, you will be able to access both accounts from a single login. If you can't remember your password, you can always use the Forgot Your Password? button. 


Doing so will trigger a password reset link sent to your registration email from which you can reset your password. 

  • Create Account 

If you don't already have an existing email address with Delaware EARNS, you will be prompted to set up a new account. This consists of creating and confirming your password.

Note: Please make sure your password complies with Delaware EARNS requirements.


3. Platform Terms of Use 

Once registration is complete, you can log in to the portal. Upon login, you will be required to read and agree to the platform's terms of use. 

Certify My Exemption

1. Reason for Exemption 

When selecting certify my exemption, you will first be asked to select the reason for the exemption from a list of options, enter your full name, and check off the box that certifies that the provided information is correct. 


2. Exemption Confirmation

After selecting the Confirm Exemption button, a confirmation page will display, providing an exemption code. 

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  • If we have an email on file for the employee, the exemption code is automatically sent to all available email addresses. 
  • If there are any users associated with the employer, upon exemption, the administrators of the plan will no longer be able to access the Delaware EARNS employer portal (unless they are administrators for another plan on the platform).

Employers also have the option to have their exemption code emailed to an email address of their choosing by selecting the Email me the exemption code button.


Email Invitation

After an administrator has registered for the program, the employer or admins can invite additional users to aid the employer. This can be done through the "Manage Admin Team" tab or by reaching out to

An email invite will be sent with a "Register Now" link. Once the "Register Now" link is selected, you will be redirected to follow the steps outlined in the Register My Business step.

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Note: Keep in mind invites expire in 20 days.

You'll then be signed in and redirected to the employer dashboard, where you can begin onboarding your company to the Delaware EARNS program.

You'll also receive an email confirming your user registration. 

Next time you want to access the Delaware EARNS employer portal, be sure to select the Sign in button, where you'll be prompted to enter your user ID and password.  

Do you own or manage more than one company that wants to register for Delaware EARNS? If so, click here to find out how to register additional companies and link all your companies under a single login ID and Password.

Please note: Only the very first administrator will follow this user registration process. To add administrators for your company, please see our "Inviting Other Administrative Users" article.

For help with common questions, please see our "Trouble Shooting Registration Errors" article.